Monday, April 20, 2009

New Show Preview

A preview for a new show caught my attention last night. While I cannot remember what the new shows name is, or what channel it is on (multi-tasking when that info was shared) but I do remember that Bob Saget stared in it. The part that I caught was a clip from on of the shows where Bob say to a woman (probably his wife in the show) "I was arrested for pretending to be a cripple so I could cut in line" and then flashed to a clip of him in a powered scooter chair. Cripple? Really? I understand that the show is trying to be funny, but I don't know how funny it would be to anyone who is in the position of needed to use wheelchairs or scooters for their mobility. I think that I would have been offended by the line. I don't know if it is the fact that it is poking fun at someone with a disability or if it was the word "cripple". Would it have been different if the line would have said "Handicapped" or "Disabled"? I think before this class I don't even think my ears would have been perk by the line, but now I must admit, I look at things a little differently now.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Project Mulberry

Project Mulberry was a book that i enjoyed a lot. I found some of the parts related to my own life. I know what it is like to mistake someone for a different ethnicity, and I felt terrible about it when it happened. It was when I was moving into a different apartment, and I was going in blind. The housing manager had told me that my new roommate was a girl that was studying here from China. When I went to meet her, I asked her why she decided to come here from China. I should have asked her where she was from first, but I was trusting what the manager had told me. She is in fact from South Korea. I explained to her what I had been told, and she said that she was not surprised that he would have automatically thought that, but she was really bothered by the fact that she had talked to him many times before and told him more than once where she was from. Even though it did not directly happen to me, I had a sense of what Julia must have been feeling in the book. I would be extremely annoyed if someone had not taken the time to think about my culture and group me with whatever they think I look like. It is ignorance, and I think that it is hard to fight since most people are rather ignorant to the fact that they even are being ignorant.