Monday, April 20, 2009

New Show Preview

A preview for a new show caught my attention last night. While I cannot remember what the new shows name is, or what channel it is on (multi-tasking when that info was shared) but I do remember that Bob Saget stared in it. The part that I caught was a clip from on of the shows where Bob say to a woman (probably his wife in the show) "I was arrested for pretending to be a cripple so I could cut in line" and then flashed to a clip of him in a powered scooter chair. Cripple? Really? I understand that the show is trying to be funny, but I don't know how funny it would be to anyone who is in the position of needed to use wheelchairs or scooters for their mobility. I think that I would have been offended by the line. I don't know if it is the fact that it is poking fun at someone with a disability or if it was the word "cripple". Would it have been different if the line would have said "Handicapped" or "Disabled"? I think before this class I don't even think my ears would have been perk by the line, but now I must admit, I look at things a little differently now.

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